Tips & Tricks
Generally speaking, do not throw anything away. Just because an items is old and dirty does not mean it is not valuable.
Generally speaking, do not throw away usable items, even if they are old.
Some of the items you see as junk could actually be a valuable antique or rare item.
As you prepare for a sale, gather any receipts, sales slips, user guides, or appraisals that relate to the items.
As you prepare for a sale, collect power cords, boxes, miscellaneous and spare parts for items. Package with or attach to item.
As you prepare for a sale, gather any historical information or family history that relate to the items.
Remove Personal Information from Items that you intend to sell: Labels or documents that have personal information should be removed to avoid any possibility of compromising you or your family’s personal security.
Remove Personal Photographs from Frames that you intend to sell.
Remove excluded items from the Selling Space prior to the sale, if possible.
Note all items to be excluded from the estate sale that remain in Selling Space – curtains, light fixtures, furniture, etc. (Ensure selling team is aware of these items).
Determine what rooms of the house the sale should be conducted in and close off all rooms that will not be in use.
As you prepare for a sale, empty Closets & Bathrooms of Items for Sale.
As you prepare for a sale, leave for-sale-hanging Items on Walls.
As you prepare for a sale, dust and clean all items.
As you prepare for a sale, spot clean all furniture, throw pillows, leather items, clothing, etc. as necessary.
As you prepare for a sale, empty furniture drawers of all items.
As you prepare for a sale, Organize items by category for display.
Make sure the family has taken any items that they are taking before Selling Team begins staging and pricing.
Consider what should be done with items remaining after the estate sale.
Sometimes pieces of a broken item can increase its value.
Plan to Sell Items that are New in the Box (NIB).
Kitchen & Dining Room:
In the Kitchen, plan to sell items that are NEW in the box, Clean Tupperware with Matching Lids, Clean Towels & Potholders, & Items that are not damaged.
In the Kitchen, Discard or Donate Sticky Lids, Stained, Scratched, Broken, Worn, Chipped, or Burnt Items, and items with Teeth marks.
In the Dining Room, plan to sell Antique, Vintage & Mid-century Items.
In the Dining Room, plan to sell Items that are NEW in the box, Sterling Silver Pieces, Flatware & Serving ware, Serving Pieces & Salt & Pepper Sets.
In the Dining Room, plan to sell China and Tea Sets after Chipped & Cracked Items are separated.
In the Dining Room, Discard or Donate Plastic & Foil Serving Trays,, Opened Toothpick & Cocktail Napkin Packages, Plastic Olive Picks, Used Steno and Burnt, Melted or Warped Candles.
As you prepare for a sale, match lids to pots, pans and Tupperware.
As you prepare for a sale, group sets of flatware, dishes & linens together by style, size and pattern.
As you prepare for a sale, separate/note Chipped Dinnerware.
Plan to Sell Non-perishable Unopened Food Items that are not Expired.
In the Category of Furniture, plan to sell Antique, Vintage & Mid-century Items.
In the Category of Furniture, items of particular interest are End and Bed-Side Tables, Stools & Benches, and Bed Frames.
In the Category of Furniture, Discard or Donate Stained Plastic Shelving & Tables, Unstable Assembled Furniture, Rickety or Cracked Items that Cannot Be Repaired, Peeling Press Board Items and all Drawer Liners & Contents.
In the Category of Clothing, plan to sell Items that are NEW with Tags, Vintage 60s/70s or Older in Good Condition, Items that are NEW in the package, Natural Fabrics and Items in the Current Style in Good Condition including Shirts, Polos, Tees, Slacks, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, Workout Wear, Night Wear, Shorts, Outerwear, etc.
In the Category of Accessories, plan to sell Items that are NEW with Tags, Vintage Items in Good Condition, Items that are NEW in the package, and Purses, Scarves, Ties, Belts and Hats in Good Condition.
In the Category of Clothing and Accessories, Discard or Donate Torn, Stained and Stretched-out Items, Underwear, Socks and Bras, Items with Broken Zippers and Out of Date Items including the Material, Shapes, Collars & Shoulder Pads.
As you prepare for a sale, empty pockets and purses/wallets; shake out small debris.
As you prepare for a sale, wash or have cleaned clothing, hats, scarves, gloves, bedding & towels.
As you prepare for a sale, heck clothing for stains, tears, holes & crunchy elastic; make sure zippers work.
As you prepare for a sale, hang clothing as appropriate.
As you prepare for a sale, organize clothing by type (shirts, pants, skirts, season, etc.)
Separate Clothing & Accessories by men’s, women’s, & children’s.
Linens, Bedding & Towels:
As you prepare for a sale, group sets of towels & sheets together by style, size and pattern.
As you prepare for a sale, check & discard towels & bedding for stains, tears, holes & crunchy elastic.
In the Categories of Linens, Blankets & Towels, plan to sell Items that are New and in Pristine Condition and Bedding & Cloth Napkins in Complete Sets.
In the Category of Lines, Blankets & Towels, most popular items to sell are Tablecloths and Blankets/Throws.
In the Category of Linens, Blankets & Towels, Discard or Donate Items with Tears or Crunchy Elastic, Wear or Stains.
In the Category of Linens, Blankets & Towels, Discard or Donate Most Bath & Hand Towels & Wash Cloths, and Single Cloth Napkins.
In the Category of Electronics, Plan to Sell Items that are New and In The Box.
In the Category of Electronics, Plan to Sell Flat Screen TVs & Monitors that Work.
In the Category of Electronics, Plan to Sell Cameras & Accessories.
In the Category of Electronics, Plan to Sell Clean Fans, Clocks & Radios.
In the Category of Electronics, Plan to Sell Newer Computer Equipment (Monitors, Printers, Laptops & Hard Drives).
In the Category of Electronics, Plan to Sell Stereos & Turntables that Work.
In the Category of Electronics, Discard or Donate Non-Working Items, Non-Flat Screen TVS & Monitors, Older Computer Equipment & Items Missing Power Cords.
In the Office, Plan to Sell Items that are NEW in Box (NIB).
In the Office, Plan to sell Desk Accessories, Empty Unlocked File Cabinets & Desk Tools & Accessories (Letter Openers, Rulers, Staplers, Hole Punch, etc.).
In the Office, Plan to Sell Writing Utensils (Including Antique/Ink) that Write, & Vintage Letterhead, Paper & Notebooks, & Unused Journals.
In the Office, Discard or Donate Opened Office Supplies, Crumbling Rubber Bands, Rusty Paperclips, Hard Erasers (including on pencils), Writing Utensils that Do Not Write, Pens/Pencils with Teeth Marks & Stuck Envelopes.
In the Office, Discard or Donate, Monogram Stationary, Labelled Folders & Notebooks, Partially used Notebooks, Journals & Diaries, Water Damaged Paper & Books & Broken Plastic Desk Accessories.
In the Category of Movies & Music, plan to sell Professional DVDs & VHS, Vinyl Records & CDs.
In the Category of Movies & Music, Discard or Donate Pirated & Home-made, Home-recorded or Non-working Items, and Warped Vinyl Records.
In the category of Books, plan to sell Vintage & Unique books, Hardcover Novels & Cookbooks.
In the category of Books, plan to sell paperback novels in excellent condition.
In the category of Magazines, plan to sell Magazines of Historical Interest & those Older than 1970.
In the Category or Books, Discard or Donate Torn, Dirty, Mildewed and Water Damaged Books.
In the Category of Magazines, Discard Most.
In the Category of Books, Donate or Discard Text Books unless they are Vintage or a Specific Interest Area.
Plan to Sell Antique Photo Albums & Photos, & Frames.
Discard or Donate Frames with Missing Leg or Glass.
Outdoors, Plan to Sell Patio Furniture, Working Grills, Benches, Ladders, Garden Décor, Bird Feeders, Houses & Baths, Terra Cotta & Pottery Planters.
Outdoors, Plan to Sell Lawn Maintenance Items (Mowers, Weed Whackers, Spreaders, etc.), Garden Hand Tools, Gardening Maintenance Items (Shovels, Hoes, Hoses, Clippers, Sprayers, etc.), Power & Hand Tools.
Outdoors, Discard or Donate Bags of Lawn & Garden Care Products (Including Bird Seed) that are less than ½ full, Mouse/Varmint Infested Items, Single Gardening/Work Gloves, Plastic Pots from the Garden Store, Old Insulation, Old Lawn Care Products (including Bird Seed).
Outdoors, Discard or Donate Repaired Hoses & Electric Cords, Headless Gnomes. Old or Dried Out Paint Cans & Paint Cans less than ½ full.
In the Category of Holiday Items, Plan to Sell Items that are New in Box, Clean Tissue & Bags, Clean Wrap, Vintage Items & Clean Decorations.
In the Category of Holiday, Discard or Donate Personalized Items, Dirty or Torn Wrap Supplies, Broken Ornaments & Decorations, Items that Don’t Work as they Should & Child Homemade Items.
In the Category of Sewing & Crafts, Plan to Sell Items that are NEW in Box/Package.
In the Category of Sewing, Plan to Sell Vintage and Newer Working Sewing Machines.
In the Category of Sewing & Crafts, Plan to Sell Fabric in Significant Quantity (1yd Plus or Packaged smaller pieces).
In the Category of Sewing & Crafts, Plan to Sell Bundles Notions, Bundled Buttons, Sewing Accessories, Packaged Patterns, Packaged Beads & Clean Paint Brushes.
In the Category of Sewing & Crafts, Discard or Donate Loose Sewing Notions & Buttons, Old Thread, Incomplete or Loose Patterns, Stiff Paint Brushes & Products that are Hard, Discolored or less than ½ full.
Plan to Sell Cleaning & Household Products that are more than ½ full.
In the Category of Toiletries & First Aide, Plan to Discard Items that are less than ½ full or Expired, and Opened OTC Medication.